Monday, August 13, 2012

Kevin and I

Hello to all those who are reading this! Thought you all might want to hear about mine and Kevin's love story and how God brought us together!

I took a trip to Texas with a family from my church that I'm close to for camp  meetings!! They had previously  met Kevin and had told him about a young woman that they knew, Kevin started praying about me about a year before he had met me. When I went down, I met Kev and we began talking to each other. By the time we had left Texas, we had decided that we wanted to get to know each other better. So, Kevin talked to the father who had introduced me to him and he called my "adopted" dad and got permission to write to me the old fashioned snail mail. After writing awhile we then, again going through Mr.Weber and Daddy Zandi, we then started calling and texting each other. Kev came up for Thanksgiving of that year and met my crazy but wonderful family. We then made it official that we were courting, with the help of Mrs. Weber.  We continued learing about each other through phone and letters. In January, my sister, Serah, and I made a trip down to Texas and stayed with his brother, Peter, and sister-in-law,Fran for a week while visiting with Kevin.

At this point in our relationship I was struggling with some fears from my past that would affect our relationship. But thanks be to God, He sent people to me and I was able to surrender and get victory over these fears and while in Texas, I was able to fully open my heart to the man that will soon be my husband.

Serah and I had a wonderful time in Texas and while ready to leave for New York, he pulled me to the side at the airport and told me he had one more gift for me. He pulled out a box and handed it to me, while I opened it and stared shell shocked at this engagement ring. While I was staring, he told me that he had waited for someone like me, and he had a job, house, car, and everything but a wife. Would I be his wife?!!! He told me he had prayed with several people, and had Daddy Zandi's blessing, Mr. Weber's, and my dad, Albert's, blessing and believing it was God's will, he decided to pop the question. Once I got over my initial speechless reaction, I accepted and then had to board. A bittersweet time, for I was so happy, yet had to leave.

We planned the wedding date for August 25th of that year. The next month after setting the date, I got laid off, due to my workplace closing down and wasn't sure how it would come together. But God is faithful and has provided in more ways than I could imagine for this wedding. I continuously give glory to God not only for providing the finances for the wedding, but also for preparing me to become a wife. I also thank God for placing into my life people, that as a child and as a teenager have helped me to always go to my God, and find my joy and peace in my LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

As Kev and I join our lives together before God, family, and friends, we pray that our relationship will always and forever be established in God and His truths. Until next time....